[vc_row parallax=”on” row_settings=”s-padding-x2″ css=”.vc_custom_1578453134373{background-image: url(http://demo.themes1.com/wp/Nonprofit/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/3333shi.jpg?id=143) !important;}”][vc_column width=”2/3″][the1-counters icon_color=”#ffffff” title_color=”#ffffff” text_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.58)” link_color=”#e8b238″ blocks=”items%5B1%5D%5Bid%5D=1&items%5B1%5D%5Bicon%5D=fa-heart-o&items%5B1%5D%5Bnumber%5D=440&items%5B1%5D%5Btitle%5D=Lives+Changed&items%5B1%5D%5Btext%5D=This+is+priceless.&items%5B2%5D%5Bid%5D=2&items%5B2%5D%5Bicon%5D=fa-slideshare&items%5B2%5D%5Bnumber%5D=204&items%5B2%5D%5Btitle%5D=Mentors+Volunteered&items%5B2%5D%5Btext%5D=Who+are+making+impacts+daily.&items%5B3%5D%5Bid%5D=3&items%5B3%5D%5Bicon%5D=fa-user&items%5B3%5D%5Bnumber%5D=236&items%5B3%5D%5Btitle%5D=Students+Affected&items%5B3%5D%5Btext%5D=We+believe+in+second+chances.” uniqueclass=”the1_custom_36908161″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]
You Can Help Too!
By volunteering as a Mentor, you can help a young person develop the academic, social, personal, and leadership skills to foster success in their future.[/vc_column_text][vc_raw_html]
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Any individual who has a strong desire to help students and who displays a personal commitment to be involved in a young person’s life, to respect individuals, to listen and accept different points of view, to empathize with another person’s struggles, and to see solutions and opportunities,
as well as barriers.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_video link=”https://vimeo.com/179847007″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_settings=”s-padding-x2″][vc_column][the1-serviceblocks the1param_style=”style3″ icon_color=”#e73561″ title_color=”#3e4557″ blocks=”items%5B1%5D%5Bid%5D=1&items%5B1%5D%5Bicon%5D=fa-codepen&items%5B1%5D%5Btitle%5D=VOLUNTARY+WORK&items%5B1%5D%5Btext%5D=Increases+the+self-esteem+of+young+people+and+increases+student+academic+success.&items%5B1%5D%5Blink-text%5D=&items%5B1%5D%5Blink-url%5D=&items%5B2%5D%5Bid%5D=2&items%5B2%5D%5Bicon%5D=fa-child&items%5B2%5D%5Btitle%5D=ENTHUSIASM&items%5B2%5D%5Btext%5D=Help+inspire+a+community+of+achievement+by+mentoring+a+child!&items%5B2%5D%5Blink-text%5D=&items%5B2%5D%5Blink-url%5D=&items%5B3%5D%5Bid%5D=3&items%5B3%5D%5Bicon%5D=fa-bullhorn&items%5B3%5D%5Btitle%5D=IMPACT+FOR+EVERYONE&items%5B3%5D%5Btext%5D=Our+goal+is+to+support+long+term+relationships+that+start+early+in+the+students+learning+process+and+continue+through+graduation.&items%5B3%5D%5Blink-text%5D=&items%5B3%5D%5Blink-url%5D=” uniqueclass=”the1_custom_257865880″][vc_raw_html]
[/vc_raw_html][vc_empty_space height=”50px”][vc_tabs interval=”0″][vc_tab title=”APPLICANT INFO” tab_id=”b3cf3941-ac01-10″][vc_column_text]Once you have returned your application, it will be reviewed and you will be contacted with further information to assist you in completing the screening and matching process. This will include fingerprinting for a BCI and FBI background check. You will also be asked to attend a two hour Mentor Training class. This background check and all trainings, materials and other activities are provided at no cost to you. If accepted, you will be expected to adhere to any MM safety and program guidelines and policies. You will also be expected to commit to maintaining your mentor/ mentee relationship for a minimum of one complete school year.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”MENTEE and MENTOR PAIRINGS” tab_id=”c5038a9a-6ef3-0″][vc_column_text]
While student referral and screening protocols have been established to focus the program on students in need of support, any student may be referred to the mentoring program. This referral may come from a teacher, counselor, other school staff, or from a parent / guardian. Mentor volunteers and referred students each go through an interview and screening process to determine background, skills, and interests. This information is used to match a menthe with a mentor that has similar interests, background, or special skills that would benefit the mentee.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”VOLUNTEER COMMITMENT” tab_id=”1447799399890-2-1″][vc_column_text]
- Meet with the mentee once per week during the school year. All meetings will take place at the mentee’s school during regular school hours
- Agree to take a BCI/FBI background check
- Attend mentor training and orientation sessions before meeting with the mentee
- Attend on going mentor training and support sessions to extend your knowledge of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- Attend the Mentoring Celebration at the end of the year
- Participate in program evaluations as requested
- Follow all safety guidelines and program policies
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[/vc_raw_html][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_settings=”s-padding-x2″][vc_column][the1-sectionheader title=”((ABOUT)) Marion Mentors” subtitle=”“I became a mentor because I wanted to give. The thing I didn’t realize is how much I would get.“”][vc_column_text el_class=”s-multicolumn-2 fontsize_17px”]
Marion Mentors Program is a program powered by the collaborative efforts of the Marion Family YMCA, the Marion City Schools, Marion County Boys and Girls Club, Marion’s United Way, Members of Marion’s Faith Based Community, and Nucor Steel. The purpose of the program is to support the development of one-to-one relationships between a volunteer adult role model and a student. This unique relationship provides support and encouragement, and can help a young person develop the academic, social, personal, and leadership skills to foster success in their future. The MM Program is an effective way to improve the student’s self esteem, expand their vision of opportunities, and reinforce the Leader In Me concepts presented to every student in the Marion City Schools. Marion Mentors is a program of the Marion Family YMCA.
The volunteer mentor will work closely with the school-based site coordinator to build a caring, supportive relationship with the mentee. Mentoring matches are encouraged to support the development of a trusting, mutually satisfying relationship as the primary goal of their time spent together, and not for tutoring. The mentor does not replace the parent or guardian, but rather supplements the work of parents, teachers, counselors, and other social services and educational professionals to help the mentee develop self- esteem and life skills necessary to become a happy and productive member of our community. The program supports all eight buildings that make up the Marion City Schools: Garfield, George Washington, Harrison, Hayes, McKinley, Taft, Grant, and Harding; and includes students in grades K – 12.
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